Yummy gum Good contact pages websites Telemarketing List Netherlands: Yummygum. Here's proof again that I have no problem putting my competitors in the spotlight (as long as they earn it). Yummygum is a Dutch digital agency with Telemarketing List a contact page to enjoy. And I'm not just talking about the photo of their favorite eatery in Amsterdam (extremely original by the way!). The strength of this contact page lies mainly in Telemarketing List the fresh, welcoming copywriting. From the energetic opening sentence.
'We're here to help you level up' to the Telemarketing List very personal 'Vince can't wait to hear your ideas': everything invites you to get in touch. 8. NV Interactive Best contact pages websites New Zealand: NV Interactive. Time to take Telemarketing List a trip to the other end of this planet. NV Interactive is a New Zealand design Telemarketing List studio with a jet black contact page that stands out. When I showed this page to a colleague of mine, a web designer, she said.
'That's not a contact page, that's Telemarketing List a poster for a €1000 perfume!' And indeed, this page is so stylish that it makes you think of the branding of luxury brands. The only downside to this page is that it only comes into its own Telemarketing List on desktop. If you watch it on a mobile phone, it's just ordinary. Starter Lab Best contact pages websites Belgium: Starterslabo. It is my personal observation that organizations with Telemarketing List multiple locations often have difficulty giving their contact page a personal face.